

In a world of acronym overload, the definitions of UX and UI tend to get muddled. And while both are vital to your website, they are not created equally.

Let's start with some basic definitions.

UI stands for User Interface, so when we talk about UI design, we mean the design of the actual tools and elements that people use to navigate through your website.

UX stands for User Experience. UX designers think about how people use the tools and elements on your website and how it makes them feel.

Think about a really great, comfortable pair of shoes. UI is the height of the heel, the curve of the arch, the pliability of the leather. UX is how you feel when you are walking in them.

But the feeling is just the end goal. UX designers take a deep dive into what makes people interact with websites in a certain way by doing field research, face to face interviews, user testings, statistic analysis and creating personas. It's a process that is deeply rooted in both psychology and function. It's intangible, but also vital.

UI and UX cannot exist without one another, but in terms of accomplishing the goals of your website, UX is the closer. The best UX designers create an experience that makes users feel emotionally connected and supported on your website. UX makes people want to click. UX makes people want to stay. UX makes people want to purchase.

UI is the tool, UX is the interaction. UI is the how, UX is the why. You can't have one without the other, but you've been warned: they are NOT the same.